Information, Knowledge, and Rights: The Preservation of Archives as a Political and Social Issue

  • Danielle Laberge

Author Biography

Danielle Laberge
Danielle Laberge is Director, Graduate Studies, Department of Sociology, UniversitC du QuCbec A MontrCal. She obtained a Ph.D. in Criminology from the UniversitC de MontrCal in 1983. In 1985 she was co-editor of the book, Le contr6le social en pikes detachees. Actes du colloque de I'ASCALF. MontrCal: Cahiers de I'ACFAS.
How to Cite
Laberge, Danielle. 1987. “Information, Knowledge, and Rights: The Preservation of Archives As a Political and Social Issue”. Archivaria 25 (January), 44-50.