Archivaria 98 (Fall 2024)
Cover Photograph In Focus: The Holocaust through the VHEC Collection, exhibition room view, 2023.
Source: Vancouver Holocaust Education Centre. Photograph by Rachel Topham Photography.
Archivaria 97 (Spring 2024)
Cover photograph - Detail of graffiti with pink and black paint.
Source: Photograph by Al Cunningham Rogers.
Archivaria 96 (Fall/Winter 2023)
Cover photograph - A black and white image of four adults and two children sitting around a table eating food.
Source: National Archives of Australia: Immigration Photographic Archive; Series A12111, Item ID 7454216; Bonegilla Reception Centre; photograph by Don Edwards, 1961.
Archivaria 95 (Spring 2023)
Cover Photographs: A clerk operating a Recordak Triplex Microfilmer (left) and a comparison of the Standard and Duo microfilming settings on the Recordak Triplex Microfilmer (right).
Source: Details from 50 Billion Records Can’t Be Wrong: Recordak – Originator of Modern Microfilming, 3rd ed. (Rochester, NY: Eastman Kodak Company, ca. 1949), included in Archives of Manitoba, NR 0240, Director of Lands Office Files, GR1603, G 4632, file 240, Microfilming.
Archivaria 94: Special Issue - Toward Person-Centred Archival Theory and Praxis (Fall/Winter 2022)
Guest edited by Jennifer Douglas, Mya Ballin, Jessica Lapp, and Sadaf Ahmadbeigi
Back cover: Jorge, illustrated by Martha Soto Gallo as part of Entre nombres sin cuerpo: La memoria como estrategia metodológica para la acción forense sin daño en casos de desaparición forzada, a research project by Andrea Romero, 2019.
Source: Personal archive of Jorge Soto, published with permission from Martha Soto Gallo.
Archivaria 93 (Spring 2022)
Front Cover Photograph: Fiona Tan, Archive (New Westminster, BC: New Media Gallery, 2019), single- channel HD projected video with sound.
Photograph by Rachel Topham. Source: New Media Gallery.
Archivaria 92 (Fall 2021)
Front Cover Photograph: Handwritten shower sign-up sheet in a temporary emergency shelter during the COVID-19 pandemic, July 2020. From “Archival Readiness: Archive Making in an Emergency Shelter,” Alison Turner.
Archivaria 91 (Spring/Summer 2021)
Front Cover Photograph: “Waterloo High School Knitting Bee.”
Source: University of Waterloo Library, Special Collections & Archives, Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection, 65-1330_004, Waterloo High School knitting bee, February 26, 1965.
Archivaria 90 (Fall 2020)
Front Cover Photograph: MUHC Archives and Special Collections, 2017-0001.04.1.30
Archivaria 89 (Spring 2020)
Front Cover:
Hon Lu with his cousin, Shanobi Lam, at their cousin’s wedding, Los Angeles, California, 2009.
Gift of Hon Lu. Courtesy of the Family Camera Network and the ArQuives.
Archivaria 88 (Fall 2019)
Front Cover: 1947–1951 Psychic Experimentation, Teleplasm
Credit: University of Manitoba Archives and Special Collections, Hamilton Family Fonds. -
Archivaria 87 (Spring 2019)
Front cover:
Dana Claxton in collaboration with Sean Griffin
Muckamuck Strike Then and Now, 2018
photographic muralCourtesy of the Morris and Helen Belkin Art Gallery
Archivaria 86 (Fall 2018)
Front Cover: Image from the Natalie Brettschneider Archive, “Natalie Brettschneider performs Rapunzel and Medusa sit down to chat about war.”
Unknown photographer, around 1947. Courtesy of Carol Sawyer.
Archivaria 85 (Spring 2018)
Front cover: Walter Rudnicki posing with documents assembled in preparation for legal action against the Government of Canada for naming him in a secret federal “blacklist,” which was distributed to foreign governments and Canadian federal ministers, 1979.
Credit: University of Manitoba Archives, Walter Rudnicki Fonds, MSS 331 (A.10-38.1), box 20, folder 1, John Kernaghan “Horror Story May Be Near End: ‘Security Risk’ Fights to Clear Name,” Hamilton Spectator, December 1979.
Courtesy of University of Manitoba Special Archives and Collections.
Archivaria 84 (Fall 2017)
Front cover: Hank Bull’s audiovisual records on display at the Burnaby Art Gallery, February 2017.
Credit: Shyla Seller
Archivaria 83 (Spring 2017)
Front cover: Angus MacLeod, Sketch of a Comet, 1863, watercolour on paper. (Displayed in Treasures and Tales: Queen’s Early Collections.)
Image courtesy of Queen’s University Archives, Shortt-Haydon Collection, V009.
Archivaria 82 (Fall 2016)
Front cover: Geoffrey Farmer, The Squatting Scribe, 2016, in MashUp: The Birth of Modern Culture, February 20 to June 12, 2016.
List of fictional computers from literature; copy of a desk designed by Josef Albers for Black Mountain College; The Archivist DIY Book Scanner designed by Daniel Reetz; periodical, “The New Technology and the Arts,” artscanada (formerly Canadian Art), February 1967, no. 105.
Credit: Maegan Hill-Carroll, Vancouver Art Gallery.
Archivaria 81 (Spring 2016)
Front cover: Apple Tree on Lot 9, South Side of the Old Durham Road, 2010
Credit: Naomi Norquay
Archivaria 79 (Spring 2015)
Front cover: Liliya Drubetskaya holding sign, 2014.
Credit: Daniela Molnar / Words In Place,
Archivaria 78 (Fall 2014)
Front cover: Children at St. Michael’s Indian Residential School, ca. 1940 – 1944. (Handwritten names added by Beverley Brown.) See Jessica Bushey’s Exhibition Review, “Speaking to Memory: Images and Voices from St. Michael’s Residential School” on page 209.
Credit: Image courtesy of the Audrey & Harry Hawthorn Library & Archives, UBC Museum of Anthropology, E. Beverley Brown Fonds, photograph a033900.
Archivaria 76 (Fall 2013)
Front cover: Al Purdy at his A-frame cottage in Ameliasburgh, Ontario, 1996.
Photo courtesy of Queen’s University Archives, Al Purdy Fonds , 5093.1, Box 4, File 22, “At Cottage,” 1996. Reproduced with the permission of Eurithe Purdy.
Archivaria 75 (Spring 2013)
Front cover: Portion of the incoming correspondence register of the office of the superintendent general of Indian affairs, 1852 – 1856. The entire page from the register is reproduced in Bill Russell's Study in Documents, "Indian Department Headquarters Records, 1844–1861: A Case Study in Recordkeeping and Archival Custody."
Credit: Incoming correspondence register, 1852 – 1856 (1 page). © Government of Canada. Reproduced with the permission of the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada (2013).
Source: Library and Archives Canada/Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development fonds/RG 10, vol. 754/e010963419.
Archivaria 74: Special Issue on Arrangement and Description of Archives (Fall 2012)
Front cover: Former University of Regina archivist Shelley Sweeney processing the Theodore Allen Heinrich collection in 1990. Heinrich, an art historian and former university professor, played an intere sting role in the recovery and restitution of art after the Second World War. Although Heinrich taught at Regina for only a short time, he remained a strong supporter of Saskatchewan artists.
Credit: Photo courtesy of University of Regina Archives and Spec ial Collections. Don Hall, photographer, University of Regina Audio/Visual Services.
Archivaria 73 (Spring 2012)
Front cover: Image of proposed route of new expressway, looking east from Strachan Avenue. Toronto Telegram photographer Les Baxter, 2 April 1958. “Toronto air views : Lakeshore Expressway : Proposed route past old Fort York : not used.”
Credit: York University Libraries, Clara Thomas Archives & Special Collections, Toronto Telegram Fonds, ASC07500.
Archivaria 72: Special Issue on Electronic Records to Born-Digital Archives: Evolution in Theory and Practice (Fall 2011)
Front cover: The 1s and 0s behind the Archivaria logo on the cover of this issue are the binary representation of the journal title, in uppercase letters, in both ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) format, and in the IBM proprietary format known as EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code), which IBM developed in the early 1960s for its mainframe computers. Each letter consists of a unique combination of eight bits, or 1s and 0s, for that format. On this cover, the groupings of bits should be read horizontally, from left to right. Eight bits equal one byte. The bytes beginning with 11 are EBCDIC letters, while the bytes beginning with 01 are ASCII letters. Read more about character encoding schemes in Ciaran Trace’s article in this issue.
Archivaria 71 (Spring 2011)
Front cover: “Sight-saving class", ca. 1947. Photographer Arthur S. Goss. City of Toronto Archives, Series 372, Subseries 32, item 934.
Archivaria 70 (Fall 2010)
Front cover: Sir Arthur Doughty’s Facebook profile picture. Relief print by Alex Thomson, 2010. -
Archivaria 69: Special Issue on Archives and the Law (Spring 2010)
Front cover: "In front of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council entrance on Downing Street," 13 July 1948.
The photograph depicts the Rt. Hon. J.L. Ilsley, K.C., Cyril F.H. Carson, and L.G. Goodenough. The occasion was a hearing in London, England of the Attorney General for Saskatchewan, Attorney General for Canada, and the Mortgage Loans Association regarding the Farm Security Act of Saskatchewan. Unlike judges in most other Commonwealth countries, Canadian judges and lawyers do not wear wigs; their use was abolished in the early twentieth century, although the exact date varies from province to province. The three Canadians depicted here sport wigs in keeping with the sartorial traditions of the British Judicial Committee of the Privy Council.
Credit: Law Society of Upper Canada Archives, 991.001-01P, Cyril F.H. Carson fonds.
Archivaria 68: Special Section on Queer Archives (Fall 2009)
Front cover: Alice Austen, “The Darned Club,” 1891.
Credit : Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, Accession No. 1982-039. Original held by the Staten Island Historical Society.