LEONHART, Editing Naval Documents: The Case of the War of 1812; DUDLEY (ed.), Editing Naval Documents: An Historical Appreciation; The Naval War of 1812: A Documentary History, Volume 1: 1812

  • M. Stephen Salmon

Author Biography

M. Stephen Salmon
M. Stephen Salmon is an Archivist in the Manuscript Division of the National Archives of Canada. He is co-compiler (with Lewis R. Fischer) of the Canadian Maritime Bibliographyfor 1986 and he is also a Member of the Editorial Board of Fresh Water A Journal of Great Lakes Marine Hktory.
How to Cite
Salmon, M. Stephen. 1988. “LEONHART, Editing Naval Documents: The Case of the War of 1812; DUDLEY (ed.), Editing Naval Documents: An Historical Appreciation; The Naval War of 1812: A Documentary History, Volume 1: 1812”. Archivaria 26 (January), 178-83. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/11505.