Redescription Reconsidered: Current Issues in Description and Their Applications for Labour Archives

  • Joan Rabins

Author Biography

Joan Rabins
Joan Rabins is the Interim Director of the Center for Historic Resources at Texas A&M University and also of the Texas Historical Foundation. Formerly she was head archivist at the Reuther Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan. She holds masters degrees in history from Columbia University and in archives administration and library science from Wayne State University. She has published articles in Georgia Archive (now Provenance), the Midwestern Archivist and the Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control. Her work has also been reprinted in A Modern Archives Reader, and she has edited several books.
How to Cite
Rabins, Joan. 1988. “Redescription Reconsidered: Current Issues in Description and Their Applications for Labour Archives”. Archivaria 27 (January), 57-66.