History on Television: A Critical Archival Examination of "The Valour and the Horror"

  • Ernest J. Dick

Author Biography

Ernest J. Dick
Ernest J. Dick is currently Corporate Archivist, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. He was an Archivist for fifteen years at the National Archives of Canada, where he was most recently Acting Director of the Moving Image and Sound Archives Division (MISA). While Chief of Collections at MISA, he was project coordinator of Beyond the Printed word . . . newsreel and broadcast reporting in Canada/ Au-dela de 1'Pcrit . . . actualit& et reportages radio et t& d i f i s h uu Canada (1988), a National Archives of Canada a exhibition in collaboration with the National Museum of Science and Technology. Mr. Dick holds an MA in Canadian History from Trent University (1972).
How to Cite
Dick, Ernest J. 1992. “History on Television: A Critical Archival Examination of "The Valour and the Horror"”. Archivaria 34 (July), 199-216. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/11851.