"You Don't Need Ruby Slippers." ACA 1992 Annual Conference Keynote Address

  • Jean Dryden

Author Biography

Jean Dryden
Jean E. Dryden has worked at the National Archives of Canada and the Provincial Archives of Alberta, and is currently Chief Archivist of the United ChurchIVictoria University Archives in Toronto. She has been an active member of a number of archival organizations in Alberta and Ontario as well as at the national level, including a term as President of the Association of Canadian Archivists. Long interested in descriptive standards, she was a member of the Bureau of Canadian Archivists Working Group on Archival Descriptive Standards, and served as the fxst Chair of the Bureau's Planning Committee on Descriptive Standards from 1986 to 1989. She is the author of a number of publications on descriptive standards, copyright in archival materials and audio visual archives.
How to Cite
Dryden, Jean. 1992. “"You Don’t Need Ruby Slippers." ACA 1992 Annual Conference Keynote Address”. Archivaria 35 (February), 7-14. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/11880.