<i>MAD2</i>: Reassessing the Experience

  • Michael Cook

Author Biography

Michael Cook
Michael Cook is University Archivist, and director of the Archival Description Project, University of Liverpool, England. Among other adventures, he was once Director of the National Archives of Tanzania (1964-66) and of the archival training course for English-speaking Africa at the University of Ghana (1975-77). A strong interest in international affairs continued when he served as Chair of the ICA's Education and Training Committee (1984-88); he is a corresponding member of the ICA's Automation Committee, and was several times a consultant for Unesco in archival development. Since setting up the Archival Description Project in 1981, he has concentrated on establishing standards for description and data exchange, which has brought him into close contact with many Canadian colleagues. The Manual of Archival Description (1989, 2nd edition, with Margaret Procter), Archive Administration (1977), Archives and the Computer (1980, 1986) and 7he Management of Znformationfrom Archives (1986) are some of his publications.
How to Cite
Cook, Michael. 1992. “<i>MAD2</I&gt;: Reassessing the Experience”. Archivaria 35 (February), 15-23. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/11881.