Using Descriptive Standards as a Basis for Cooperation: The British Columbia Archival Union List Project

  • Christopher L. Hives
  • Blair Taylor

Author Biographies

Christopher L. Hives
Christopher Hives is University Archivist at the University of British Columbia. A graduate of the UBC Master of Archival Studies programme, he has served on both executives and committees of various archival organizations. He is currently Chair of the Canadian Council of Archives and has served as Project Coordinator for the British Columbia Archival Union List Project.
Blair Taylor
Blair Taylor received a BA in English from the University of Regina in 1987 and finished the course work for the UBC Master of Archival Studies degree in 1991. From November 1991 to December 1992 he served as Project Archivist for the British Columbia Archival Union List Project.
How to Cite
Hives, Christopher L., and Blair Taylor. 1992. “Using Descriptive Standards As a Basis for Cooperation: The British Columbia Archival Union List Project”. Archivaria 35 (February), 71-85.