Mediating in a Neutral Environment: Gender-Inclusive or Neutral Language in Archival Descriptions

  • Sharon P. Larade
  • Johanne M. Pelletier

Author Biographies

Sharon P. Larade
Sharon P. Larade became Regional Archivist for the Region of Peel Archives (Brampton) in December 1989. She was previously Reference Archivist at the University of Toronto Archives. She holds a BA in Canadian Studies from Mount Allison University (1984) and completed courses in the MAS programme at the University of British Columbia from 1984 to 1986. She has served on the board of directors of the Ontario Council of Archives, has chaired the Toronto Area Archivists Group Education Committee and is currently a member of the ACA Advocacy Committee.
Johanne M. Pelletier
Johanne M. Pelletier has been Archives Adviser for the Ontario Council of Archives since July 1992. She was formerly the Ontario Conference Archivist for the United Church of CanadaIVictoriaUniversity Archives, and SupervisingArchivist for the Salvation Army of Canada and Bermuda. She has served as president of the board of directors of the Women's Information Centre, member of the Canadian Women's Movement Archives managing collective and secretary of the Ontario Association of Archivists, and is currently a member of the Steering Committee of the ACA Special Interest Section on Electronic Records (SISER). She holds a BA in Psychology from McGill University (1986), completed courses in the History of Philosophy and Education Department of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education from 1986 to 1989, and completed the National Archives Course 1991.
How to Cite
Larade, Sharon P., and Johanne M. Pelletier. 1992. “Mediating in a Neutral Environment: Gender-Inclusive or Neutral Language in Archival Descriptions”. Archivaria 35 (February), 99-109.