The Archives nationales du Québec: Memory of a Nation

  • Gilles Héon


The author aims to demonstrate that the archival system in Québec corresponds to the model developed by the International Council on Archives and UNESCO. According to this model, an archival system must be based on formal legislation and incorporate a management structure. It must also include strategies for professional standardization and provide for the dissemination of the archival heritage. In support of his argument, the author reviews the history of the archives of Québec from the 17th century. Initially used for administrative purposes, archives became, during the 19th century, the principal resource for historical research. This perception of their function did not change until the second half of the 20th century, especially during the 1960s and 1970s. During that period the elements of an integrated records management system began to emerge when the Archives nationales du Québec (ANQ) was established in 1969. From that date, the ANQ developed all the elements necessary to fulfil its mandate to preserve its institutional memory as well as the nation’s collective memory.

Le Québec s’est doté d’un véritable système d’archives qui correspond au modèle développé par le CIA et l’UNESCO. Selon ce modèle, un système d’archives doit reposer sur un cadre juridique formel et comporter une structure de gestion. Il doit également comprendre des stratégies de normalisation scientifique et prévoir la diffusion de son patrimoine archivistique. Pour les besoins de sa démonstration, l’auteur retracera le chemin parcouru par la province, en matière d’archives, depuis le 17e siècle. D’abord utilisées à des fins administratives, les archives deviennent, au 19e siècle, la source principale de la recherche historique. Il faudra toutefois attendre la seconde moitié du 20e siècle pour que la perception à l’égard des archives se transforme. Les années 60 et 70 seront à cet égard significatives. On y voit, en effet, se profiler les premiers éléments d’un système de gestion documentaire intégré alors que sont créées en 1969 les ANQ. Au fil des ans, cette institution se dotera des outils nécessaires à la réalisation de son mandat qui consiste non seulement à préserver sa mémoire institutionnelle mais également la mémoire collective de la nation.

Author Biography

Gilles Héon
Gilles Héon holds a Master’s degree in History (archival stream) from the Université Laval, where he has also taught courses. He is member emeritus of the Association des archivistes du Québec, where over a period of more than thirty years he occupied a number of positions, including editor of the journal Archives and president of the association. His numerous publications, lectures and presentations as well as his professional preoccupations have focussed principally on the history of archival institutions and advocacy on behalf of religious archives as well as personal and family archives. Retired from the Archives nationales du Québec, where he was employed from 1969 to 2004, he is currently employed as an archival consultant.
How to Cite
Héon, Gilles. 2005. “The Archives Nationales Du Québec: Memory of a Nation”. Archivaria 59 (January), 69-81.