Record Keeping in a Provincial Regiment: The Strange Case of the Loyal Nova Scotia Volunteers, 1775-1783

  • Barry Cahill

Author Biography

Barry Cahill
Barry Cahill is Manuscripts Archivist at the Public Archives of Nova Scotia, Halifax, where he has been employed since January 1983. He holds a Master's degree in Classics from Dalhousie University (1977) and an M.Lit. degree in Classics from Oxford University (1982). Since 1986 he has been Editor of the Nova Scotia Hktorical Review, and is a Councillor on the executive of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society.
How to Cite
Cahill, Barry. 1988. “Record Keeping in a Provincial Regiment: The Strange Case of the Loyal Nova Scotia Volunteers, 1775-1783”. Archivaria 26 (January), 81-90.