Where's Home? Documenting Locality at the Dawn of the Electronic Age

  • Brien Brothman

Author Biography

Brien Brothman
For many years, Brien Brothman worked at the National Archives of Canada, where he was responsible for textual and electronic records documenting environmental, scientific, and engineering research programs. Since moving to the United States in 1995, he has taught courses on archival appraisal and on electronic record keeping at the University of Massachusetts at Boston, and done archival consulting. Most recently, he has been working at the Rhode Island State Archives and Public Records Administration on the development of an electronic records program. Brien has a BA (History) from McGill University and a PhD (History) from Université Laval. His latest publications include a chapter entitled "Archives and New Information and Communications Regimes in Science," to appear in a forthcoming book on electronic records practices at the National Archives of Canada (edited by Terry Cook), and articles concerning the relationship between the concepts of "evidence" and "record," and postmodernism and keeping electronic records.
How to Cite
Brothman, Brien. 1999. “Where’s Home? Documenting Locality at the Dawn of the Electronic Age”. Archivaria 47 (February), 151-57. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/12702.
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