

A mistake was made in footnote 30 in Geoffrey Yeo's article, “"Let Us See What Is Meant by the Word Recorde": Concepts of Record from the Middle Ages to the Early 20th Century”, which appears in Archivaria 93. In the original PDF file, the citation was replaced with a second citation of a similar book from footnote 29.

The proper citation is: [John Rastell,] Les termes de la ley: Or, Certain Difficult and Obscure Words and Terms of the Common and Statute Laws of This Realm Now in Use, Expounded and Explained. Corrected and Enlarged, with the Addition of Many Other Words (London: Elizabeth Nutt and R. Gosling, 1721), 512.

The PDF has been updated with the correct footnote. The General Editor apologizes to Dr. Yeo for this error.