HOLLAND & HELFERTY (comps.), Guide to the Archives Department, University College, Dublin; GELLER & DALY, The Hadassah Medical Organization Archives, 1947-84 ... ; DALY, The Hadassah Med. Org Papers ... 1918-81; GELLER, The Alice L. Seligsberg ... Papers

  • Nancy McMahon
How to Cite
McMahon, Nancy. 1985. “HOLLAND & HELFERTY (comps.), Guide to the Archives Department, University College, Dublin; GELLER & DALY, The Hadassah Medical Organization Archives, 1947-84 . ; DALY, The Hadassah Med. Org Papers . 1918-81; GELLER, The Alice L. Seligsberg . Papers”. Archivaria 21 (January), 260. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/11287.

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