Whither Archivy?: Some Personal Observations Addressed to Those Who Would Fiddle While Rome Burns

  • Richard M. Kesner

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Richard M. Kesner
Richard Kesner is Vice-president for General Services, Multibank Service Corporation, Dedham, Massachusetts. Before accepting his current position, he was Manager of Office Systems and Services for the F.W. Faxon Company of Westwood, Massachusetts. He has been Director of the Archives of Appalachia and a regular contributor to archival, historical, and records management journals. His most recent monographs are Microcomputer Applications in Libraries: A Management Tool for the 19803 and Automating Archival and Recordr Administration: Planning and Implementation Strategies. He received a doctorate in history from Stanford University in 1977.
Comment citer
Kesner, Richard M. 1985. « Whither Archivy?: Some Personal Observations Addressed to Those Who Would Fiddle While Rome Burns ». Archivaria 20 (janvier), 142-48. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/11184.