A Room with a View: The 1987 ACA Conference in Hamilton, Ontario

  • Richard M. Kesner

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Richard M. Kesner
Richard M. Kesner has been Vice President for General Services, Multibank Service Corporation since 1985. His previous positions include Manager of Office Systems and Services, The Faxon Company, Inc. (1981-85); Director, Archives of Appalachia, East Tennessee State University (1978-8 1); and Research Associate and Archivist, Archives of Labor and Urban Affairs, Wayne State University (1977-78). He obtained a Ph.D. in History and Information Science from Stanford University (1977), and has contributed numerous publications on the subject of information management, to the archival and records management community.
Comment citer
Kesner, Richard M. 1987. « A Room With a View: The 1987 ACA Conference in Hamilton, Ontario ». Archivaria 25 (janvier), 155-62. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/11479.