The War of Independence of Archivists

  • Elio Lodolini

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Elio Lodolini
Elio Lodolini has taught archival science at the University of Rome from 1961 to 1970 and from 1978 to the present, and in the interim taught at the University of Macerata. From 1976 to 1985, he was Director of the State Archives of Rome and of the affiliated School of Archival Science, Paleography and Diplomatics, where he has taught archival science since 1956. Mr. Lodolini holds degrees in Political Science and Law, as well as a doctorate in archival science, paleography and diplomatic~.He has carried on archival assignments for UNESCO, the OAS, and other international organizations.
Comment citer
Lodolini, Elio. 1989. « The War of Independence of Archivists ». Archivaria 28 (janvier), 36-47.