Women's Missionary Society Records in the Presbyterian Archives

  • Elspeth Reid

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Elspeth Reid
Elspeth Reid currently works in the Presbyterian Archives, recataloguing the holdings. Previously, she worked at the Law Society of Upper Canada Archives, and has also worked at the United Church Archives and at the Perth District Archives (Scotland). She holds degrees from the Universities of St. Andrews and Guelph, and a Diploma in Archive Administration from University College, London. She is also the compiler of Sub-Doctoral meses on Canada, published by the British Association for Canadian Studies in 1988.
Comment citer
Reid, Elspeth. 1990. « Women’s Missionary Society Records in the Presbyterian Archives ». Archivaria 30 (janvier). https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/11705.
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