WATERSTON, with EASTERBROOK, KATZ and SCOTT, The Travellers: Canada to 1900; MÖLLER, Fontanus: From the Collections of McGill University; PENNINGTON & BELLAY, For God, King, Pen & Country ... ; AACH, Impressions: Stories of the Nation's Printer...

  • Nancy McMahon
Comment citer
McMahon, Nancy. 1991. « WATERSTON, With EASTERBROOK, KATZ and SCOTT, The Travellers: Canada to 1900; MÖLLER, Fontanus: From the Collections of McGill University; PENNINGTON & BELLAY, For God, King, Pen & Country . ; AACH, Impressions: Stories of the Nation’s Printer.  ». Archivaria 33 (janvier). https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/11826.

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