A Conversion Experience in the United Church Archives

  • Ruth Dyck Wilson

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Ruth Dyck Wilson
Ruth Dyck Wilson became Chief Assistant Archivist at the United Church of CanadaNictoria University Archives in the autumn of 1987 and served as project manager of the repository guideldatabase project described in her article. Prior to this, she worked as a contract archivist at the University of Toronto Archives (1987), manuscripts and reference archivist at the Saskatchewan Archives Board, Regina Office (1977-86), and folklore archivist at the Canadian Centre for Folk Culture Studies in Ottawa (1972-77). She is currently Chair of the Choice of Access Points Working Group of the Bureau of Canadian Archivists Planning Committee on Descriptive Standards.
Comment citer
Dyck Wilson, Ruth. 1992. « A Conversion Experience in the United Church Archives ». Archivaria 35 (février), 130-43. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/11892.