An Inventory of Archival Resources in Northwestern Ontario

  • Margaret E. Johnston
  • William R. Morrison

Bibliographies de l'auteur-e

Margaret E. Johnston
Margaret E. Johnston teaches in the Department of Geography and is an associate of the Centre for Northern Studies at Lakehead University. Through research on the history of mountain recreation, she has encountered many archives and many guides to archival resources.
William R. Morrison
William R. Morrison is the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies at the University of Northern British Columbia. He is the author of numerous books and articles on the history of the Canadian North, and was involved in the production of the four-volume series, The Inventory of Archival Resources in Western Manitoba.
Comment citer
Johnston, Margaret E., et William R. Morrison. 1994. « An Inventory of Archival Resources in Northwestern Ontario ». Archivaria 37 (février), 203-7.
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