"With A Little Help from my Friends": External Advisory and Oversight Bodies in the Development of Archives

  • Larry J. Hackman

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Larry J. Hackman
Larry J. Hackman is Director of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library in Independence, Missouri. Previous to this recent appointment, he was Assistant Commissioner for Archives and Records in the New York State Education Department, the home of the State Archives and Records Administration. He was also Executive Officer of the new State Archives Partnership Trust. A Fellow of the Society of American Archivists, Hackman was the first Director of the Records Program of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission. His main professional interests over the past two decades have included the usefulness of profession-wide, state-wide, and nation-wide archival priorities, ways to develop support for individual archives, and building interest in and support for archives and documentation issues among influential parties beyond the archival community.
Comment citer
Hackman, Larry J. 1995. « "With A Little Help from My Friends": External Advisory and Oversight Bodies in the Development of Archives ». Archivaria 39 (mai), 184-95. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/12088.