GLENBOW MUSEUM, Reclaiming History: Ledger Drawings by the Assiniboine Artist Hongeeyeesa

  • J.R. Miller

Biographie de l'auteur-e

J.R. Miller
Victoria Lemieux obtained her Bachelor of Arts from the University of Toronto. She has also received her Master's Degree in Archival Studies from the University of British Columbia. Her thesis was on the topic of Canadian provincial and territorial archival legislation. Since completing her studies, Victoria has worked as a records analyst for the government of British Columbia, a government records archivist in the Provincial Archives of Alberta, and as Director of Corporate Records and Information Services for the City of Edmonton. Recently she left Canada to become Campus Records Manager for the University of the West Indies' Mona Campus in Kingston, Jamaica. J.R. Miller, author of Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens: A History of Indian-White Relations in Canada (University of Toronto Press 1989; rev. ed. 1991 ), is a Professor of History at the University of Saskatchewan.
Comment citer
Miller, J.R. 1995. « GLENBOW MUSEUM, Reclaiming History: Ledger Drawings by the Assiniboine Artist Hongeeyeesa ». Archivaria 40 (octobre), 239-42.
Exhibition Reviews