Myth or Reality: Is There a Generation Gap Among Electronic Records Archivists?

  • Thomas Elton Brown

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Thomas Elton Brown
Thomas Elton Brown is currently the Chief, Archival Services Branch, in the Center for Electronic Records at the U. S. National Archives and Records Administration. After receiving a Ph.D. in 1974 from Oklahoma State University in U.S. History and Sociology, he joined the staff of NARA's electronic records programme in 1976. He has worked in various capacities for the last twenty years in NARA's programmes related to electronic records. His writings span twenty years and include more than twenty publications on archival issues related to electronic records.
Comment citer
Brown, Thomas Elton. 1996. « Myth or Reality: Is There a Generation Gap Among Electronic Records Archivists? ». Archivaria 41 (avril), 234-43.