"Why are we saving All these artist publications + Other Galleries stuffs?" The Emergence of Artist-Run Culture in Halifax. DALHOUSIE ART GALLERY

  • Rebecca Young NSCAD University, Halifax


“Why are we saving All these artist publications + Other Galleries stuffs?” The Emergence of Artist-Run Culture in Halifax. DALHOUSIE ART GALLERY, HALIFAX.

22 January–17 April 2016. Curated by CREIGHTON BARRETT and PETER DYKHUIS.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Rebecca Young, NSCAD University, Halifax

Comment citer
Young, Rebecca. 2016. « "Why Are We Saving All These Artist Publications + Other Galleries stuffs?" The Emergence of Artist-Run Culture in Halifax. DALHOUSIE ART GALLERY ». Archivaria 82 (décembre), 190-93. https://archivaria.ca/index.php/archivaria/article/view/13592.
Exhibition Reviews