The Spirit of Total Archives: Seeking a Sustainable Archival System

  • Laura Millar

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Laura Millar
Laura Millar has a BA in history, a Master of Archival Studies from the University of British Columbia, and a PhD in archival studies from University College, London. She is an editorial, archival, and educational consultant based in Vancouver, British Columbia, teaching and consulting in the areas of records and archives management, instructional design and curriculum development, and editing and publishing. Her present work involves the development of distance education and related training materials in records and archives management, for use primarily in developing countries. From 1997 to 1999 she served on the executive of the Archives Association of British Columbia, as vice president and president.
Comment citer
Millar, Laura. 1999. « The Spirit of Total Archives: Seeking a Sustainable Archival System ». Archivaria 47 (février), 46-65.