W. Kaye Lamb Prize Winners

Year Author(s) Article Issue
2024 (no. 95-96) Heather MacNeil Tacit Narratives in the Manuscript Collections of Matthew Parker and Robert Cotton 96 (Fall 2023)
2023 (no. 93-94) Kim Christen with Josiah Blackeagle Pinkham (Nez Perce/Nimíipuu), Cordelia Hooee (Zuni), and Amelia Wilson (Tlingit) Always Coming Home: Territories of Relation and Reparative Archives 94 (Fall/Winter 2022)
2022 (no. 91-92) Kirsten Wright and Nicola Laurent Safety, Collaboration, and Empowerment: Trauma-Informed Archival Practice 91 (Spring/Summer 2021)
2021 (no. 89-90) Alexandra Mills, Désirée Rochat, and Steven High Telling Stories from Montreal’s Negro Community Centre Fonds: The Archives as Community-Engaged Classroom 89 (Spring 2020)
2020 (no. 87-88) Jennifer Douglas, Alexandra Alisauskas, Devon Mordell “Treat Them with the Reverence of Archivists”: Records Work, Grief Work, and Relationship Work in the Archives 88 (Fall 2019)
2019 (no. 85-86) Christoph Becker Metaphors We Work By: Reframing Digital Objects, Significant Properties, and the Design of Digital Preservation Systems 85 (Spring 2018)
2018 (no. 83-84) Jean Dryden The Meaning of Publication in Canadian Copyright Law: An Archival Perspective 83 (Spring 2017)
2017 (no. 81-82) J.J. Ghaddar The Spectre in the Archive: Truth, Reconciliation, and Indigenous Archival Memory 82 (Fall 2016)
2016 (no. 79-80) Raymond Frogner Lord Save Us from the Et Cetera of the Notary: Archival Appraisal, Local Custom, and Colonial Law 79 (Spring 2015)
2015 (no. 77-78) Laura Millar Coming up with Plan B: Considering the Future of Canadian Archives 77 (Spring 2014)
2014 (no. 75-76) Jennifer Douglas What We Talk About When We Talk About Original Order in Writers’ Archives 76 (Fall 2013)
2013 (no. 73-74) Richard Dancy RAD Past, Present, and Future 74 (Fall 2012)
2012 (no. 71-72) Laura Carroll, Erika Farr, Peter Hornsby, and Ben Ranker A Comprehensive Approach to Born-Digital Archives 72 (Fall 2011)
2011 (no. 69-70) Raymond Frogner "Innocent Legal Fictions": Archival Convention and the North Saanich Treaty of 1852 70 (Fall 2010)
2010 (no. 66, 67, 68) Steven Maynard Police/Archives 68 (Fall 2009)
2008 (no. 64-65) Hannah Little Archive Fever as Genealogical Fever: Coming Home to Scottish Archives 64 (Fall 2007)
2007 (no. 62-63) David Bearman Moments of Risk: Identifying Threats to Electronic Records 62 (Fall 2006)
2006 (no. 60-61) Terry Cook An Archival Revolution: W. Kaye Lamb and the Transformation of the Archival Profession 60 (Fall 2005)
2005 (no. 55, 57, 58) Tom Nesmith What's History Got to Do With It?: Reconsidering the Place of Historical Knowledge in Archival Work 57 (Spring 2004)
2003-2004 (no. 56) Heather MacNeil The Special W. Kaye Lamb Award for 2003 is presented to Heather MacNeil for the Index and Subject Headings to Archivaria Issues. No. 1 - No. 54  
2002 (no. 53-54) Laura Millar The Death of the Fonds and the Ressurection of Provenance: Archival Context in Space and Time 53 (Spring 2002)
2001 (no. 51-52) Victoria L. Lemieux Let the Ghosts Speak: An Empirical Exploration of the "Nature" of the Record 51 (Spring 2001)
2000 (no. 49-50) Joan M. Schwartz Records of Simple Truth and Precision': Photography, Archives and the Illusion of Control 50 (Fall 2000)
1999 (no. 47-48) Bob Krawcyzk Cross Reference Heaven: The Abandonment of the Fonds as the Primary Level of Arrangement for Ontario Government Records 48 (Fall 1999)
1998 (no. 45-46) Robert McIntosh The Great War, Archives, and Modern Memory 46 (Fall 1998)
1997 (no. 43-44) Terry Cook What is Past is Prologue: A History of Archival Ideas Since 1898, and the Future Paradigm Shift 43 (Spring 1997)
1996 (no. 41-42) Verne Harris Redefining Archives in South Africa: Public Archives and Society in Transition, 1990-1996 42 (Fall 1996)
1995 (no. 39-40) Joan Schwartz We make our tools and our tools make us': Lessons from Photographs for the Practice, Politics, and Poetics of Diplomatics 40 (Fall 1995)
1994 (no. 37-38) Lorraine O'Donnell Towards Total Archives: The Form and Meaning of Photographic Records 38 (Fall 1994)
1993 (no. 35-36) Margaret Hedstrom Descriptive Practices for Electronic Records: Deciding What is Essential and Imagining What is Possible 36 (Autumn 1993)
1992 (no. 33-34) Hugo Stibbe Implementing the Concept of Fonds: Primary Access Point, Multilevel Description and Authority Control 34 (Summer 1992)
1991 (no. 31-32) Brien Brothman Orders of Value: Probing the Theoretical Terms of Archival Practice 32 (Summer 1991)
1990 (no. 29-30) Barbara Craig "Hospital Records and Record-Keeping, c. 1850- c. 1950: Part I: The Development of Records in Hospitals" and "Hospital Records and Record-Keeping, c. 1850- c. 1950: Part II: The Development of Records in Hospitals" 29 (Winter 1989-90)
30 (Summer 1990)
1989 (no. 27-28) Luciana Duranti "Diplomatics: New Uses for an Old Science" and "Diplomatics: New Uses for an Old Science (Part II)" 28 (Summer 1989)
29 (Winter 1989-90)
1988 (no. 25-26) Hugh Taylor Transformation in the Archives: Technological Adjustment or Paradigm Shift? 25 (Winter 1987-88)
1987 (no. 23-24) Ruth May The Cycle of Commerce: York Factory Records of the Hudson's Bay Company Supplies for the Northern Department, 1843-1845 24 (Summer 1987)
1986 (no. 21-22) David Bearman and Richard Lytle The Power of the Principle of Provenance 21 (Winter 1985-86)
1985 (no. 19-20) Bill Russell The White Man's Paper Burden: Aspects of Records Keeping in the Department of Indian Affairs, 1860-1914 19 (Winter 1984-85)
1984 (no. 17-18) Gordon Dodds Canadian Archival Literature: A Bird's Eye View 17 (Winter 1983-84)
1983 (no. 15-16) Ian Wilson "A Noble Dream": The Origins of the Public Archives of Canada 15 (Winter 1982-83)


2005: A substantial portion of Archivaria 55 (Spring 2003) comprised “Abstracts of Master of Archival Studies Theses at Canadian Universities.” Because the subsequent volume Archivaria 56 (Fall 2003) included the comprehensive index to Archivaria, for which the General Editor and Editorial Board granted a special W. Kaye Lamb prize to Heather MacNeil, the remaining articles from Volume 55 were considered as part of the eligible issues for the 2005 award.

2006: This was the year in which three issues of Archivaria, rather than the standard two, were published in order to return the journal to its production schedule and reflect changes in the Association’s accounting practices. Because the articles within Archivaria #59, “Québec’s Perspective on Archives,” had previously been published in other sources, the General Editor and Editorial Board did not consider this issue for the Lamb Prize.

2009: With the removal of Archivaria 59 from prize contention in 2006, the schedule for awarding prizes became disrupted and so in order to bring the schedule back in line, and to allow the Editorial Board sufficient time to properly adjudicate on the articles, no prizes were awarded in 2009. As a result, three issues were in contention for the 2010 prizes.

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